Thursday, November 3, 2011

Alpha Review Thoughts

I have received the feedback from the first review of my project.  I'm happy to say it was very positive and included a couple of nice suggestions and things to keep in mind.

One critique was in reference to the clapping gesture that deselected the agents.  In truth, the user does not actually have to clap, only bring their two hands together.  I do however like the shake idea they provided and may implement that in addition to the original method for deselecting in order to compare and determine which is more intuitive.

Something else brought up was teaching the user how to use this system. It's definitely in the back of my mind.  I would like to just have simple visuals (text and/or demonstrations) that appear for each option as the user explores them the first time the system is started.  After that the visuals would only display after a certain amount of time of idleness as a kind of prompt or reminder.

In regards to the progress I've made so far this week, the user can now select the create tab and agents will appear at the two hand positions.  This implementation is very basic at the moment; the agents appear at each position after a two second delay.  The user can then choose the select tab and select the agents like before.

My next goals are to figure out a good way for allowing the user more control over when and where an agent is created, cleaning up the switch between modes, and to begin thinking about the other control schemes.  I've been brainstorming about vector fields and how to begin implementing them as a starting point.


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