Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Progress and Control

Hi all,

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to work on my project very much last week... but this week it's time to get back in action.

I was able to get the tabs to change between modes working.  They need a bit of tweaking, but for now, they do the job nicely.

Hovering over the top tab changes the mode to Create.
When in creation mode, agents are created at the hand points after a small delay.  This gives the user time to decide where to place the next two agents.  Of course, this isn't the best solution.  I really would like to get hand depth involved here in order to give the user better control over when and where to create agents, as mentioned in an earlier post.

Hovering over the middle tab changes the mode to Select.
Here you can select agents and have them follow each hand.  Deselection still works by 'clapping', but I want to try the 'shake off' idea suggested to me during alpha reviews.

Hovering over the bottom tab changes the mode to Control.
Right now this does nothing.. very sad.. but I want this to be my next major focus for beta reviews.  I'm caught between jumping right into flow fields and starting with something a little bit less complex and then building up.  My idea right now is to start with giving selected agents directional headings.  This requires being able to create vectors from hand motions and applying those vectors to the agents.  With this more basic system in place, I could then build on that to generate vectors over a grid to create the flow field.  Then the agents would update their current velocities based on the flow vectors in their predicted grid position.

That's all for now,


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